The Science of Winning (English language)
The Science of Winning (English language)

The Science of Winning (English language)

Product subtitle
    How scientific method can help us become smarter, wealthier, happier.
    di Danilo Lapegna
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A volume crafted with care, research, and passion, this is a thrilling expedition into a new world with a clear mission: to understand how to use the methods of science to achieve extraordinary things—avoid deception, inspire others, develop creative solutions, and maybe even… predict the future?
With this essential "compendium of science of success," you'll discover:
  • How principles of physics and biology can boost your monthly income.
  • How mathematics can supercharge your physical and mental performance.
  • How game theory and probability can maximize the effectiveness of your decisions.
  • And so much more!
Harness the same force that has led humanity to unlock the secrets of the atom and touch the vastness of the stars. Put this extraordinary power to work for you, with "The Science of Winning!"

The Science of Winning (English language)
The Science of Winning (English language)
    240+ pagine, 15.24cm x 22.86cm
    Hi-tech publishing: stampa di alta qualità e contenuto progettato con le più importanti ricerche a tema
    Garanzia "Pace dei sensi": rimborso o reinvio GARANTITI per qualunque evenienza
    Spedizione con Protezione Acquirente Completa

In this book you'll find...

    "Seek singularity," "Focus on inevitably interconnected systems," and other secrets of 'Scientific Hacking': the art of analyzing complex systems and reworking their dynamics to your advantage.

"Seek singularity," "Focus on inevitably interconnected systems," and other secrets of 'Scientific Hacking': the art of analyzing complex systems and reworking their dynamics to your advantage.

    Richard Feynman, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Galileo, and countless stories of "scientific champions"—scientists who have changed our world through hard work and unwavering dedication to their craft.

Richard Feynman, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Galileo, and countless stories of "scientific champions"—scientists who have changed our world through hard work and unwavering dedication to their craft.

    Hypothetical model building, interaction analysis, "ripples in water," and many other techniques for scientific investigation—uncovering "hidden truths" behind lies, mysteries, and unknowns of all kinds.

Hypothetical model building, interaction analysis, "ripples in water," and many other techniques for scientific investigation—uncovering "hidden truths" behind lies, mysteries, and unknowns of all kinds.

    Algoritmi e metodo di una crescita personale “reale”!
    In formato digitale e cartaceo!

Dicono di questo prodotto

"Non realmente un titolo di crescita personale, ma molto di più"

Un libro di filosofia della scienza, mascherato da libro di self-help. Non nel senso che questo libro non fornisca degli spunti con cui aiutarsi o migliorarsi, ma perché il substrato filosofico di quanto presentato è ricco e denso. Veramente uno dei migliori acquisti di questo 2023. Devo comprare gli altri
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The Science of Winning (English language)
The Science of Winning (English language)
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