Reset! (English language)
Reset! (English language)

Reset! (English language)

Product subtitle
    How to master art, science and philosophy of radical, durable change.
    di Danilo Lapegna
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How many times have we dreamed of hitting “reset,” starting from scratch, and rebuilding our lives despite past bitterness and anxieties? And yet, how often have we found ourselves repeating the same mistakes, only to end up back where we started?
Enter "Reset": the first and only true “Manual for Rewriting Your Existence.” A complete guide to human self-reprogramming, designed to help you achieve the highest possible quality in your thoughts, emotions, core philosophies, daily habits, projects, and even your strategic approach to the world.
This book will offer you a practical, step-to-step method to create real, beautiful, and lasting change. Start now. Start with "Reset!"

Reset! (English language)
Reset! (English language)
    240+ pagine, 15.24cm x 22.86cm
    Hi-tech publishing: stampa di alta qualità e contenuto progettato con le più importanti ricerche a tema
    Garanzia "Pace dei sensi": rimborso o reinvio GARANTITI per qualunque evenienza
    Spedizione con Protezione Acquirente Completa

In this book you'll find...

    Daniel Kahneman, Nicholas Taleb, and the brilliant insights of the greatest scientists, psychologists, and philosophers on how to bring meaning to your life, navigate uncertainty, and "sculpt" your existence into its most captivating and fulfilling form.

Daniel Kahneman, Nicholas Taleb, and the brilliant insights of the greatest scientists, psychologists, and philosophers on how to bring meaning to your life, navigate uncertainty, and "sculpt" your existence into its most captivating and fulfilling form.

    Kintsugi, Kaizen, weighted to-do lists, payoff matrices, "reset journaling," and dozens of practical tools, complete with tables to track progress, analyze future scenarios, brainstorm ideas, and take care of your projects.

Kintsugi, Kaizen, weighted to-do lists, payoff matrices, "reset journaling," and dozens of practical tools, complete with tables to track progress, analyze future scenarios, brainstorm ideas, and take care of your projects.

    Comprehensive explanations of the evolutionary mechanisms through which our mind continually holds back our "true cerebral potential"—and how to unlock it in its most vibrant, powerful, and meaningful form.

Comprehensive explanations of the evolutionary mechanisms through which our mind continually holds back our "true cerebral potential"—and how to unlock it in its most vibrant, powerful, and meaningful form.

    Il manuale di cambiamento definitivo per chi ha le p***e rotte!
    In formato digitale e cartaceo!

Dicono di questo prodotto


Sono un avido lettore di libri dello stesso autore. Ammetto che all'inizio pensavo fosse un po' hippie e new age. In realtà qui l'autore offre una solida base con concretezza su come costruire il personale concetto di reset, aiutando nella vita quotidiana come sfruttare alcuni meccanismi mentali che ci bloccano. Come tutti i libri della collana, c'è una parte teorica , ma anche una parte più pratica e devo dire che nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, è un libro confezionato davvero bene, forse uno dei migliori della collana. Probabilmente lo regalerò ad amici appassionati di crescita personale!
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

"Un bel libro, consigliato"

Un bel libro, consigliato, aiuta nella vita di tutti i giorni
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

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Reset! (English language)
Reset! (English language)
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