The Speed Math Bible (English language)
The Speed Math Bible (English language)

The Speed Math Bible (English language)

Product subtitle
    Master mental math, become a better problem solver...
    di Danilo Lapegna
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Unlock the full potential of your mind and ignite your hidden talent—this is the math book you’ve always wished you had in school!
From the secrets of Indian mathematics to numeric memory techniques, Chinese number systems, and the latest research on "instant arithmetic calculation," this book will change how you see math forever.
With this volume, you’ll gain countless key skills essential for both academic and professional success. You’ll face life’s inevitable daily challenges with far less stress and equip yourself with strategic tools to be more effective and high-performing in every field!

The Speed Math Bible (English language)
The Speed Math Bible (English language)
    270+ pagine, 15.24cm x 22.86cm
    Hi-tech publishing: stampa di alta qualità e contenuto progettato con le più importanti ricerche a tema
    Garanzia "Pace dei sensi": rimborso o reinvio GARANTITI per qualunque evenienza
    Spedizione con Protezione Acquirente Completa

In this book you'll find...

    Revisit the entire history of mathematics through our "bite-sized lessons" and quirky "mathematical oddities" at the end of every chapter. Rediscover the paradoxes, contradictions, and the beauty and harmony of this incredible world!

Revisit the entire history of mathematics through our "bite-sized lessons" and quirky "mathematical oddities" at the end of every chapter. Rediscover the paradoxes, contradictions, and the beauty and harmony of this incredible world!

    Countless "mathematical life hacks": how to use math to double your savings, improve household finances, navigate your travels, find your ideal partner, and even uncover deeper insights into the very nature of the universe!

Countless "mathematical life hacks": how to use math to double your savings, improve household finances, navigate your travels, find your ideal partner, and even uncover deeper insights into the very nature of the universe!

    Strategic tips for poker, blackjack, and other games where math gives you an edge! Start today and become the champion of tomorrow's challenges!

Strategic tips for poker, blackjack, and other games where math gives you an edge! Start today and become the champion of tomorrow's challenges!

    Trasforma il tuo cervello in un calcolatore elettronico!
    In formato digitale e cartaceo!

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The Speed Math Bible (English language)
The Speed Math Bible (English language)
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